The book "Analyzing the Trust–Transparency Nexus: Multi-level Governance in the UK, France and Germany" by Dominic Heinz, Ian Stafford and Alistair Cole has been published
The book titled "Analyzing the Trust–Transparency Nexus: Multi-level Governance in the UK, France and Germany", written by Dominic Heinz, Ian Stafford and Alistair Cole, has been published.
POLITICS TALKS II - Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Politics of Inequality
On December 22, 2021, Dr. Nedim Nomer, Sabanci University, gave a lecture on "Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Politics of Inequality".
Online Book Discussion: EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions and Policies
On December 20, 2021 at 4:30 p.m., in cooperation with the Department of Political Science and International Relations of Bahçeşehir University and the Turkish-German University, the edited book "EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions, and Policies" will be presented, and some selected authors who contributed to the book will present their main findings.
Open access book by Dr Ebru Turhan and Dr Wulf Reiners has been published by Palgrave Macmillan
The open access volume EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions, and Policies, co-edited by Dr Ebru Turhan (TDU) and Dr Wulf Reiners (DIE), was published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Meet & Greet for new students of the Department of Political Science and International Relations
Germany has voted. On September 26th, 2021 there were elections to the Bundestag in Germany and after Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer ran for a new term of office, the question arose who would follow her. Extreme political parties lost votes and it already seems clear that there will only be a coalition of three political parties in the new federal government. Prof. Andreas Wüst spoke about this and went into more detail on the aspect of migration policy.
On October 4th, between 14.30 - 16.00, Prof. Dr. Martine Prange from Tilburg University will be our speaker, whose talk will be on “FREE SPEECH IN TIMES OF POST-TRUTH: ‘PARRHESIASTIC’ TRUTH TELLERS VERSUS POPULISTS.”
International prize 'VIADUCT Teaching Award' Asst. Prof. Dr. Awarded to Ebru Turhan
Assistant Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan, Member of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, received the 'VIADUCT Teaching Award' for her Jean Monnet Module INSITER-Inside the Turkey-EU Relations and her research on EU/EU-Turkey Relations 2020. The International Prize was awarded by the Executive Board of the VIADUCT Jean Monnet Network - “Enhancing Visibility of Academic Dialogue on EU-Turkey Cooperation”. The network is supported by the European Commission and includes around 40 leading universities in Europe.